Polaris is one a few select vinyl siding producers who are NGBS Green Certified, under 2008 NGBS green practice #604.1(2). This standard states that building materials with recycled content are used for at least 2 major components and this product is used in conjunction with another major product with recycled content. Polaris Vinyl Siding is a high-quality recycled content that reduces the product’s impact on landfills and the environment.
Virtually all scrap, trim and off-spec material from the vinyl production process is recycled. This means that 99% of all manufactured vinyl is made into products – not sent to landfills. About 18 million pounds of post-consumer vinyl are also recycled annually. A tremendous amount of post-consumer material is not available because it is still in service as siding, pipe and other products that last decades.
Vinyl products are extremely resistant to the corrosive conditions found in landfills and will not break down or degrade under them. In fact, vinyl is often used to make landfill liners and caps because it is inert and stable. When you choose vinyl siding for your home, you are promoting a greener environment.